Tattered Tenderness

04.02.20 The collage features sculptures made by my students in response to an exercise about place and our hopes for place. We ‘adopted’ each others sculptures for the session and made art du deplacement-inspired movement scenes with them in stairways and corridors around the school. Then we left a little note of encouragement under the sculpture we had adopted.

Underneath my tattered newspaper octopus trapped in wires, was a letter from one of my students which read:

‘This artwork can be interpreted in many ways…loads of stories can be made from it. One thing that stood out to me was that the arms could represent hardship in your life and that’s a brave thing to share’

06.02.19 The note below the lotus I had made said:

To the Artist:

I have never been able to fold lotus flowers. So well done. I mean, it’s a bit messy but perhaps that is really rather fitting. Beauty comes in infinite and arguably wildly subjective forms. I am sure you, yourself, know this. Keep making, keep creating, don’t concern yourself with other people’s subjective perceptions of your work. 

With compassion

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